

Social Value Impact Card 2023-2024

Doing the small things...

The VC Gallery is thrilled to announce the launch of its latest initiative, the "Garden to Plate" project, made possible through generous funding from the Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services (PAVS) under their Doing the Small Things program. This innovative project aims to promote active citizenship, foster community engagement, and encourage healthy living by connecting people with the great outdoors and teaching them valuable gardening and cooking skills.

Volunteers Week

Volunteers’ Week 2024: Celebrate and Inspire
The VC Gallery Celebrates 40 Years of Volunteers Week and Recognises Over 70 Dedicated Volunteers

The VC Gallery is thrilled to celebrate the 40th year of Volunteers Week by recognising the incredible contribution of its dedicated volunteers.  This week-long celebration, running from 3rd - 9th June, highlights the essential role that volunteers play in supporting the VC Gallery’s mission to foster creativity, wellbeing, and community cohesion.  The VC Gallery will join thousands of charities and voluntary organisations in recognising the contribution volunteers make across the UK who have such a significant impact on our community.  

Honoring Our Volunteer

Since its inception, the VC Gallery has relied on the selfless dedication of volunteers who contribute their time, skills, and passion. From supporting art workshop sessions to organising community events, our volunteers have been instrumental in making the VC Gallery a vibrant and inclusive space.  A special awards ceremony to recognise volunteers will take place at the VC Gallery, Pembroke Dock, 5th June.

Thanks to funding from BCT ( ) and The National Lottery Fund Cymru, The VC Gallery has been able to employ a new part time Volunteer Coordinator. Esther Fenneberg, newly in post said: “In the short time that I have been with the VC Gallery, I have been overwhelmed by the massive contribution made by its volunteer community. We are proud to honor over 70 individuals whose volunteer efforts make such a remarkable difference to the lives of many.  We want to inspire even more people to get involved in volunteering in whatever way works for them, to help make a difference in their community.  I am overwhelmed by the dedication and generosity of time.

Speaking with one of our volunteers recently they told me that volunteering at the VC Gallery gives them a sense of purpose and meaning and I hope that our Volunteer Awards shows each individual how much they mean to us.”

For more information about volunteering with the VC Gallery either in Haverfordwest or Pembroke Dock then please get in touch with Esther on or by telephoning either branch.

Pembroke Dock 01646 685688, Haverfordwest 01437 765873

Carers Week 2024

The VC Gallery is proud to be supporting National Carers Week from the 10th – 16th June 2024.

We are pleased to be running activities for unpaid carers throughout the week. An online support session run by our Carer lead on Tuesday 11th and an art session on Wednesday 12:30 -2:30pm. Please get in touch for more information.

The VC Gallery has signed up to the Investors in Carers scheme and holds its Bronze award. We have two dedicated carer leads and staff members trained on how to identify carers and signpost to relevant organisations. The carer Leads will be on site all week so pop into our Pembroke Dock and Haverfordwest sites to have a chat and a cuppa.

Carers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring and help people who don't think of themselves as having caring responsibilities to identify as carers and access much-needed support.

The campaign is brought to life by thousands of individuals and organisations who come together to provide support for carers, run activities and highlight the vital role carers play in our communities.

Please visit for more information or call us on 01646 685688 or 01437 765873


Twitter: @TheVCGallery

National Grid Community Grant

We would like to say a big thank you to the National Grid Community Grant Programme, the funding allowed us to install double glazing replacement windows in our main hall which significantly contribute to energy efficiency by improving insulation and reducing heat loss. This not only helps in creating a more comfortable and welcoming environment but also aligns with sustainable practices. We would also like to thank Dave at Halsteds of Pembroke, who supplied and fitted the windows.

This will make a massive difference to us as the hall is an amazing resource for our     Veterans and local community. We have a shared lunch, every Tuesday (12.30pm), Seated Exercise class (every Weds 11am), Bingo (every Friday 1pm), as well as stand-alone events including Remembrance day, craft fairs, Christmas Fayre, talent shows and much more through the year.  All details of our activities and events can be found on our “What’s on” page of our website. 

By investing in such green initiatives, our community is not only benefiting from improved facilities but also contributing to the larger goal of reducing energy consumption and     minimizing environmental impact. The use of funds for double glazing replacement      windows aligns well with energy efficiency measures, as it can lead to long-term cost  savings and a reduced carbon footprint.

This project showcases the positive outcomes that can result from community-focused green energy initiatives. It's essential to share success stories like this to inspire others to embrace sustainable practices and explore similar funding opportunities. May it continue to be a warm and welcoming space for years to come.


The VC Gallery was set up in Haverfordwest in 2013 by Barry John MBE with the aim of supporting veterans transition back in to civilian life.

Since then, the charity has grown and now offers daily art activities for both veterans and the wider community, which run at both the Pembroke Dock and Haverfordwest hubs, Monday to Friday from 11am to 4pm. Anyone is welcome to pop in.

Photography Club Pembroke Dock

Please Vote For Us To Receive A Community Grant At Tesco

We are delighted to have been chosen to be one of the charities in this year’s Tesco Community Grants Scheme. Voting is now open and customers in all the local Tesco’s will now be able to vote for The VC Gallery until the end of March 2024.

About the Grant

At the end of the period, the charity with the highest number of votes will receive £1,500, second place will receive £1,000 and the third place will receive £500. We have decided to use whatever money we receive to provide a healthy home cooked meal at Pembroke Dock every Tuesday and towards a minibus for our Haverfordwest branch, engaging more people in our activities to alleviate isolation and poor mental health.

Where you can vote

Here are the stores where you can vote for us;

  • Tesco Pembroke Dock
  • Tesco Express, Saundersfoot
  • Tesco Express, Tenby
  • Tesco Haverfordwest
  • Tesco Goodwick

To check the location of any of the above stores, please go to the Tesco website here:

What you need to do

To vote, you will need to make a purchase within store of any value. You will   receive one token per transaction and it’s not necessary to purchase a carrier bag in order to receive a token.

As you exit the store there will be a receptacle with three slots, one for The VC Gallery and for the other charities. Choose the cause you would like to support and vote by dropping your token into the right slot. You can vote as many times as you like, after every purchase.

So next time you are popping into Tesco, please ask for a token and vote for The VC Gallery as you leave, thank you!

Fantasy World Art Project

Cronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol yn Buddsoddi mewn Prosiect Celfyddydol Grymusol ar gyfer Unigolion ag Anableddau Dysgu yn y VC Gallery.

Pleser i’r VC Gallery yw cyhoeddi bod yr elusen wedi cael grant gan Gwobrau i Bawb y Loteri Genedlaethol i gynorthwyo’i phrosiectau celf sy’n anelu at rymuso unigolion ag    anableddau dysgu. Bydd y cyllid sylweddol hwn yn galluogi’r elusen i ymestyn ei   hymdrechion i feithrin creadigrwydd, cynhwysiant a datblygiad personol yn y gymuned   anableddau dysgu.

Bydd y grŵp, a leolir yn ein safle yn Noc Penfro, yn defnyddio’r arian i ddarparu prosiect Celf o’r enw ‘Byd Ffantasi’ i bobl ag anableddau dysgu trwy gyfrwng tîm o bobl a chanddynt anableddau dysgu eu hunain, yn ogystal â hyrwyddwr Celf.


Mae’r VC Gallery wedi bod ar waith ers 2013, ac erbyn hyn mae gan yr elusen staff a nifer o wirfoddolwyr. Fe’i sefydlwyd gan Barry John MBE ar ôl i’w yrfa yn y Fyddin ddod i ben, gan ei fod yn sylweddoli bod cyn-aelodau’r lluoedd arfog angen helpu i setlo’n ôl mewn bywyd sifil.


Erbyn hyn, mae’r elusen yn cynnal gweithgareddau celf dyddiol, i gyn-filwyr ac i’r gymuned ehangach, gan rymuso pobl i roi cynnig ar gelf a dod yn artistiaid a hyd yn oed yn hwyluswyr. Mae’r hybiau ar agor o ddydd Llun i ddydd Gwener 11-4 ac mae croeso i bawb ddod draw. Mae gan y prosiect dîm o artistiaid dawnus ag Anableddau Dysgu, ac maent yn creu darnau o waith celf sy’n seiliedig ar eu syniadau eu hunain o ‘fyd ffantasi’.


Medd Barry John, y sylfaenydd: “Rydym wrth ein bodd bod y Loteri Genedlaethol wedi cydnabod ein gwaith yn y ffordd hon. Yn awr, diolch i’r arian, bydd modd inni fwrw ymlaen â’n trydydd prosiect sy’n ymwneud yn benodol ag Anableddau Dysgu, a leolir yn Noc Penfro, gan ddwyn ynghyd sefydliadau a’n haelodau trwy gyfrwng prosiect celf. Mae hyn yn bwysig, oherwydd mae’n rhoi cyfle i unigolion ag Anableddau Dysgu eu mynegi eu hunain trwy gyfrwng celf mewn amgylchedd diogel, cynnes a chroesawgar. Hefyd, bydd yn galluogi unigolion ag Anableddau Dysgu i reoli’r prosiect eu hunain, gan annog y gwerthoedd a bennir yn Siarter Anableddau Dysgu Gorllewin Cymru.”


Mae’r Loteri Genedlaethol wedi ymrwymo i gefnogi prosiectau sy’n cyfoethogi llesiant ac sy’n cynnig cyfleoedd i gymunedau amrywiol, ac mae hyn yn amlwg yn ei phenderfyniad i ddyfarnu’r grant sylweddol hwn i’r VC Gallery. Bydd yr arian yn hollbwysig o ran gweithredu menter gelfyddydol amlweddog a fydd wedi’i theilwra’n benodol i ymdrin ag anghenion a doniau unigryw unigolion ag anableddau dysgu.

Dymuna’r VC Gallery ddiolch i’r Loteri Genedlaethol am gydnabod pa mor bwysig yw cefnogi mentrau sy’n grymuso ac yn codi ysbryd unigolion ag anableddau dysgu. Bydd yr arian hwn yn siŵr o gael effaith ystyrlon ar fywydau’r rhai sy’n gysylltiedig â’r prosiect, gan feithrin ymdeimlad o berthyn, cyflawniad a thwf personol.

Bydd y prosiect ar waith bob dydd Mawrth 9.30am – 3.30pm.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y VC Gallery a’r prosiect celf a ariennir, cysylltwch â’r     canlynol:

Steph – Rheolwr Prosiect,   01646 685688

National Lottery Community Fund Invests in Empowering Arts Project for Individuals with Learning

Disabilities at The VC Gallery

The VC Gallery is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a grant from the National Lottery Awards for All to support its arts project aimed at empowering individuals with learning disabilities. This significant funding will allow The VC Gallery to expand its efforts in fostering creativity, inclusion, and personal development within the LD community.

The group, based in our Pembroke Dock site will use the money to provide an Art project called ‘Fantasy World’ to people with Learning disabilities via a team of people with learning disabilities themselves and an Art facilitator. 


The VC Gallery has been running since 2013 and now has staff and many volunteers.  It was founded by Barry John MBE after a career in the Army, he recognized that ex forces members needed help transitioning back to civilian life.  


The charity now runs daily art activities, for both the veterans and the wider community empowering people to have a go, become artists and even facilitators. Opening times at both hubs are Monday – Friday 11-4 and anyone is welcome to pop in. This project works towards delivery by a team of talented artists with Learning Disabilities to create pieces of art based on their fantasy world ideas.  


Barry John founder says: “We’re delighted that the National Lottery have recognized our work in this way. Now, thanks to the funding we will be able to press on with our third Learning Disability specific project based in Pembroke Dock, bringing organisations and our members together via an art project. This is important because it gives individuals with Learning Disabilities a chance to express themselves through art in a safe, warm, and welcoming environment. It will also allow individuals with Learning disabilities to manage the project themselves, encouraging the values set out in the West Wales Learning Disability charter”. 



The National Lottery's commitment to supporting projects that enhance the well-being and opportunities for diverse communities is evident in their decision to award The VC Gallery with this substantial grant. The funding will be instrumental in implementing a multifaceted arts initiative tailored specifically to address the unique needs and talents of individuals with learning disabilities.

The VC Gallery expresses its gratitude to the National Lottery for recognizing the importance of supporting initiatives that empower and uplift individuals with learning disabilities. This funding will make a meaningful impact on the lives of those involved in the project, fostering a sense of belonging, achievement, and personal growth. 

The project is running every Tuesday 9.30am – 3.30pm.

For more information about The VC Gallery and the funded arts project, please contact:

Steph – Project Manager,   01646 685688

TV Appearance!

We're famous! Here's just a snapshot of the piece ITV news filmed featuring our very own Barry John MBE. If you would like to watch the entire piece it can be found here... Just skip to 17.30 on the video to watch the feature. Happy viewing and well done to all involved!

Christmas Fayre 2023

Come and join us down at our Pembroke Dock site for our christmas fayre. There will be lots of things to explore to get you into the festive spirit! Please see the poster above for further details. We look forward to seeing you there!

Remembrance Open Day 2023 in Memory of Ted Owens

Come and join us down at our Pembroke Dock site on Saturday 11th November for our Remembrance Open Day. Please see the poster above for further details. We look forward to seeing you there!

Exclusive VC Gallery Merchandise

How would you like to get your hands on some exclusive VC Gallery merch? well now you can! New product are being added all the time and all the money raised goes towards the work we do here both for veterans and the wider community. Grab your exclusive merchandise HERE

Inspired by the Sea Exhibition Update

Friday we saw the opening ceremony of the VC Gallery Pembroke Dock art exhibition “under the sea” at the West Wales Maritime Museum and the performance of the Sea Shandy Drinkers. The exhibition will continue until the 1st of November before it moves on. So if you haven’t had chance to come down and see the wonderful artwork that is being produced now is your chance!

Signature Nails by Cheryl

Starting this Thursday Signature Nails By Cheryl will be at The VC Gallery Pembroke Dock by appointments only.

To book an appointment please call 07519416051

Christmas Fayre 2023

This years Christmas Fayre is set to be bigger and better than ever! It's being held at our Pembroke Dock site on the 2nd of December 2023. We would love you to get involved, whether that be coming to see everything that our vendors have to offer or even having your very own table! Please check the poster for further details on how you can get involved.

VC Bingo at Pembroke Dock

Come and join us down at our Pembroke Dock site for a few games of prize bingo every Friday, eyes down is at 1.30pm... Don't miss it!

VC Events Day 5th October 2023

Come and join us for a fun filled day of activities and workshops. Meet the team and find out more about what we can offer! Refreshments will be available, we look forward to seeing you!

Sea Shandy Drinker's World Tour

Art Inspired By The Sea

Exhibition for October

Direct Payments Information Session - This Month!

All unpaid carers are invited to an information session facilitated by Pembrokeshire County Council in partnership with Carers Trust Crossroads West Wales. This information session will cover everything you need to know about the Direct Payments Scheme, a Money Matters advisor will also be on hand to answer any questions you may have. The session will be held at Narberth Rugby Club between 2pm & 4pm on the 13th September. All are welcome!

'Fantasy World' A Learning Disabilities Project

The VC Gallery celebrates after receiving funding from South Hook LNG Community Fund for their Learning Disability Art project called 

 ‘Fantasy World.’ 

Dad's Army Exhibition September 2023

September's exhibition is brought to you by Mathew Evans, showcasing the very popular TV comedy show Dad's Army. This exhibtion will be running at The VC gallery Haverfordwest throughout September.

Pop in to view this exhibition

Summer Family Workshops

Come and join us at The VC Gallery Pembroke Dock for our Summer Family Workshops every friday at 11.30am. Booking is essential please read on for more details.

Continental Breakfast

Thanks to funding from the Welsh government, Pembrokeshire County Council and PAVS we are able to put on a continental breakfast every friday starting at 10am at The VC Gallery, 30 High St, Haverfordwest, SA61 2DA. Everyone is welcome to come and there is no need to book. We look forward to seeing you there!

Veterans Awards 2023

The VC Gallery amazingly achieved gold at the Veterans Awards in the Health & Well-being Award which was sponsored by Sinclair Audi Bridgend.

Our trustee Mark Shuttleworth won volunteer of the year award for all his work in all he does in the 3rd sector. Such a great guy, doing so much for others asking nothing in return. Just a chance to help another human, both veteran and community.

The Welsh Veterans Awards was held in Cardiff this week and we are over the moon that we have won this awards in a category that is full of our fellow charities and organisations doing such fantastic work through Wales and UK.

: The VC Gallery

: Bulldogs Boxing & Community Activities

: Woodys Lodge 'Giving Space and Time'

: Help For Heroes

Keep up the amazing work you are all doing to have a positive effect on individuals Health and Well-being and huge congratulations

Enhancing Pembrokeshire grant update

We are delighted that the activities and projects run by our Peer Mentor Kevin Stanley funded by the Enhancing Pembrokeshire grant have been featured on Pembrokeshire County Council's website alongside a news article, all of which can be found here:

Enhancing Pembrokeshire grant helps bring community together - Pembrokeshire County Council

Summer Holiday Family Workshops

Calling all parents. Are you looking for something fun to do with your children over the summer holidays, why don’t you book onto our summer holiday workshops, every Friday from 11:30 to 1pm. Please see details above on how to book.

Woodlands Introduction

Want to learn some new skills in the outdoors, why not come and join us on the 3rd August in collaboration with Silbers CIC. Please see details above or call 01437 765873 for further information.

The VC Gallery team are delighted to be able to share that we have received Cobseo's Veterans Mental Health Awareness Standard 2023-2025, showing that we meet the COBSEO standard regarding mental health support for veterans.

We are extremely proud to be receiving the VMHAS. We have worked very hard to ensure that a robust comprehensive policy is in place to ensure we are delivering to the highest of standards at all times. We pride ourselves on the person centred work that we do that is tailor made for veteran support.

Veterans Mental Health Support

Carers Week

Pembrokeshire Community Hub

We love the Pembrokeshire Community hub and are thrilled to be running activities including our Friday breakfasts and arts activities in partnership with them. Come and find out about the work of the hub and how we act as one of their spokes.

Warm Welcome Community Spaces Grant 22/23.

The VC Gallery were delighted to have received funding towards our utilities and continue our learning disability activities.

Eluned Morgan popped in to see us and said ‘ warm spaces are playing a vital role in providing a comfortable, safe place for people to come together during the cold winter.

Funded by Welsh Government through Pembrokeshire County Council and Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services - PAVS, the The VC Gallery in Bufferland, Pembroke Dock is open daily for a cuppa, chat or even a spot of art and crafts in the community.

No one should be cold this winter, and I’m proud that there are now warm spaces in every county across the region to help people when they need it. If you need help finding a warm space near you, get in touch.

Tackling Loneliness

Exciting news that our Tackling Loneliness project continues. Funded by Pembrokeshire County Council and The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust; this project sees our Naafi break continuing with support at our hubs from an ex Forces peer mentor.

Young Carers Action Day 15th March 2023

Save The Date Carers Week 5th to 11th June 2023

Veterans’, pathways, people and places.

The VC Gallery werefortunate to be chosen as a portfolio partner as part of this fund as part of a wide range of excellent voluntary and statutory organisations across Wales committed to effectively supporting veterans.

Partners bring a wealth of knowledge, skills, experience, and influence to our portfolio. Each partner has something unique to bring, and we are confident that the portfolio will achieve incredible work to improve support for veterans.

Enhancing Pembrokeshire Grant

Thanks to Pembrokeshire County Council and continuation funding from The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust, we are able to continue our Tackling Loneliness Project. Building on the success of the past two years our project tackling Loneliness and reducing isolation amongst the Armed Forces Community will see us employ an ex forces member to visit them in their homes, attend our weekly Naafi breaks and to take our mobile museum to residential homes. See our Projects page for more information.

Diolch i Gyngor Sir Penfro a chyllid parhaus gan Ymddiriedolaeth Cronfa Cyfamod y Lluoedd Arfog, gallwn barhau â'n Prosiect Mynd i'r Afael ag Unigrwydd. Gan adeiladu ar lwyddiant y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf, bydd ein prosiect Mynd i'r afael ag Unigrwydd (Tackling Loneliness) a lleihau unigedd ymhlith Cymuned y Lluoedd Arfog yn golygu ein bod yn cyflogi cyn-aelod o'r lluoedd arfog i ymweld â nhw yn eu cartrefi, mynychu ein seibiannau Naafi wythnosol ac i fynd â'n hamgueddfa symudol i gartrefi preswyl. Edrychwch ar ein tudalen Prosiectau am ragor o wybodaeth.

Food Poverty Grant

We were delighted at the end of last year to have received funding to support our aims to provide food for our community. Sadly this type of funding is needed for various reasons but we would like to thank Welsh Government and Pembrokeshire County Council who are distributing the funding to charities embedded within their communities who support vulnerable people.

With this funding we are able to give food parcels, meals and run our breakfast clubs. Please see previous posts to learn more about these events or look at our ‘What’s on’ section of the website.

Saturday Breakfasts

The Millenium Stadium Trust

The VC Gallery were delighted to have received funding from The Millenium Stadium Trust who have helped us purchase a new commercial cooker and equipment for our kitchen in our site in Pembroke Dock. We are so excited about this latest opportunity and how we will be able to cook on-site and feed the community.

We already partner with Fareshare: Tescos and Asda are very good at providing us with food which helps us to feed people but now being able to make hot meals and feed more people is a dream come true.

Please see our Whats on to find out about the weekend breakfast clubs we offer and please get in touch if you would like to volunteer or find out about our ‘Basic Cookery Courses’ .

The Millennium Stadium Charitable Trust – The Legacy Lives On…………………Charity No: 1086596 (

Solo Art Exhibition

Introducing artist Kitty Parsons to her first solo exhibition.
Join us to celebrate her success on Thursday 2nd at 5pm.

Solo Art Exhibition

Introducing artist Ben Stirling to his first solo exhibition.
Ben has worked hard on compiling a large body of work celebrating Christmas time. Join us to celebrate his success on Monday 5th at 1:30pm.

Community Art Exhibition

All welcome, please come and support the artists from the VC Gallery at the Community Art Exhibition showing at Pembroke Dock Library starting 3rd December

PAVS Volunteer Awards

For over a decade PAVS has formally recognised the wonderful work that is done by volunteers all over Pembrokeshire. After two years of online celebrations we are back with the feel good event of the year!

Remembrance Open Day

Remembrance is a special time for the VC Gallery, this Remembrance event is just one of the ways we can help to ensure the sacrifices of those who served are never forgotten.

Community Art Workshop

With our magic little grant we have been able to run community art workshops each week under the guidance of an artist.

This Months Exhibition

Advocacy Drop In

Learning Disabilities Art Project

This VC Gallery project was inspired by the LD Charter and gives everyone with a learning disability a chance to join in and try many different art techniques.

Sessions run from the 6th of September 22 for 12 weeks at The VC Gallery Pembroke Dock, 9:30 am until 3:30pm.

Armed Forces Day Events

Jubilee Events


Pembroke Dock VC Gallery is moving home as of 25th March 2022 Please see below for details...

Join us at our Breakfast clubs

Welsh D-Day veterans back gardening 'Dig for Victory' project

July 2021 \\ BBC Wales News

Rachael Garside from BBC Wales News provides coverage on The VC Gallery's Dig for Victory Project. Read all about it here.

Armed Forces Art Competition

July 2021 \\ Project 

A VC Gallery project funded by The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust Positive Pathways Programme. Delivering multiple, adventurous activities based around the beautiful waterways and coast of Pembrokeshire on a weekly basis, for the benefit of veteran's mental health and wellbeing.

Into The Deep Blue

May 2021 \\ Project 

A VC Gallery project funded by The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust Positive Pathways Programme. Delivering multiple, adventurous activities based around the beautiful waterways and coast of Pembrokeshire on a weekly basis, for the benefit of veteran's mental health and wellbeing.

Innovative Repair and Reuse Scheme to launch in Pembrokeshire

March 2021 \\ Event 

We are proud to be part of this valuable initiative that upholds our aims of improving people’s well-being, offering meaningful activities in friendly supportive groups. Our itinerary of events from our Community Garden will be published very soon, stay in touch to be part of the fun.

The Armed Forces

Covenant highlight The VC Gallery's work in their yearly report!

The Armed Forces Covenant has produced a report that in its second year of operation as an independent charity it has made 384 grants to fund real and impact for Armed Forces communities across the United Kingdom and, indeed, to some locations where our Serving families are located overseas.

The Veterans Foundation

Dec  2020 \\ Event

If You may have seen The Veteran’s Foundation logo on a few of our media assets over the last few months. We’re happy to report that this is due to VF’s contribution of £10, 000 to The VC. The support given to The VC is the latest in a legacy of support offered to veteran’s charities by The Veteran’s Foundation. During COVID-19, VF handed out over £290, 000 at short notice to organisations that were particularly hit hard.

Winner announced | Poetry Comp...  | Poetry Competition

Nov  2020 \\ Event

The VC Gallery are proud to announce the winners of this year's poetry competition in the theme of Remembrance.  We were blown away by the quality of work from the entrants and we would like to thank everyone who took the time to enter. 

Enhancing Pembrokeshire Grant...  | Funding

Sep 2020 \\ Event

The Enhancing Pembrokeshire Grant, using funds raised via the Second Homes Tax is available to provide funding for new projects that help address the negative impact of second homes and in doing so adds value to our communities. As a result of this generous grant, we were able to employ a full-time Digital Media Officer to join The VC team

Breaking Ground  | Fundraising Event

Sep 2020 \\ Event

‘Breaking Ground’ is a challenge thought up by a group of engineers to help support and fundraise for The VC Gallery’s new project by the same name.

The Welsh Veterans Award | Awards Nomination

Aug 2020 \\ Event

The VC Gallery shortlisted in the Health & Well-being category after last years success...

The Bright Side | Online Creative Workshops

July 2020 \\ Event

Welcome to The VC Gallery's Online Creative Workshops. You're a few clicks away from embarking on a fully interactive, creative virtual workshop.

COVID Art Response | Online Creative Workshops

July 2020 \\ Event

We are delighted to have received funds through the National Lottery Awards for All and are now implementing our virtual sessions and hoping to reach people who are not online or are in need of art materials.  

Team Create | Online Creative Workshops

July 2020 \\ Event


We are over the moon to have been given funding via the COVID-19, Supporting Community Action Fund and, as part of that, The VC Gallery has invited artist Anna Waters to host six Zoom sessions over the next six weeks with the aim of creating art ‘alongside’ one another, learning and sharing knowledge of materials and techniques. These ‘Do and Discuss’ sessions will lead to the common goal of entering The Waterfront Gallery Annual Art Competition, ‘Inspired by Wales’.
