AFCFT Lunch club Nov 23 - 24

Thanks to the AFCFT through their Force for Change programme we were successful in gaining funds. This grant wants to make a big difference to Armed Forces communities that are facing particular challenges due to cost-of-living challenges. The VC Gallery will also continue to collaborate with others, such as supermarkets and restaurants around surplus food waste that can be redistributed in our communities.

Our ‘pay what you can afford’ shared lunch is provided by a volunteer crew of veterans and community with a behind the scenes team who phone with invites and offer lifts in for the meal to anyone wanting to access the meal.

Please get in touch if you know of anyone struggling or who would benefit from a warm home cooked meal in a friendly environment. Lunch is held each Tuesday 12:30, two delicious courses, teas, coffees and soft drinks available. Food parcels can also be arranged and home deliveries are also available within two miles of our site.